I have often wondered why people especially men have this impression that women don't like each other and definitely do not support each other. I have also seen a lot of strong women who have set up associations, forums, interest groups, clubs and other things just to bring women together. It has been one of the most difficult things to do because as painful as it sounds the men are right. I do not live in self-denial so I am not one of those who will stand and defend a lie.
Most women till date still struggle with envy, jealousy, hatred, gossip, back biting, judging, condemning, destroying, lying and so many other things. As women if WE are honest with ourselves WE will agree in our hearts that WE are guilty of one or more of these crimes/sins. When we think about it we realize that these things never did anything good for us, never made us better people, never made us more intelligent, never made us richer or happier, so the question is WHY?
We see someone who has what we want and instead of working hard to achieve it and asking God to help us, we want to say things to bring them down. Some of us have packed on so many pounds that when we see another woman who is a size 10 our hearts start to race so fast and we just hate them. Some of us want to play that role so bad so the moment another actress is chosen for that role we start to say unthinkable things about them just to hurt their feelings, even when we know it will not change the situation or reduce the amount of money in their bank account.
I was inspired recently by Gabrielle Union who received an Essence award. In her acceptance speech she tells the whole world how horrible she was and how she would do and say anything to bring others down. She was a BAD GIRL who thrived in unforgiveness and envy but after a while she realized she was hurting herself and all the evil did not help her in any way. Today she is free because she has accepted the positive change.
When I heard her speech I was so inspired that I thought to share this with my fellow women because I believe that if we decide to become the sisters we were all created to be, the world would be a better place for us. Our voices will be heard, our little girls will not be married off at the age of nine, they will get an education, we will have more female presidents, job creation will definitely increase and we can help one another to achieve other things.
I still strongly believe that we all have to keep talking about this, encourage each other to replace hate with love and celebrate ourselves as women. I cannot begin to tell you the benefits that togetherness can bring into our lives.

A forum created for women and young girls to:
- Share their stories, pain and trials
- Celebrate their achievements
- Talk about family, relationships, work, life other things
- Ask questions and get unbiased, non-judgmental and professional answers
- Review books, movies, magazines, articles, destinations, services, products and brands, arts, music etc.
This is no place for gossip so we will not publish any negative story neither will we publish any unconfirmed information.
Women will experience a sisterhood like never before, friendship that will last, a support system that is strong and a one stop shop for information on the best places to get the best things for the best price at the right time and with good guarantee.
Women can send us an email (adiva0478@gmail.com) with their businesses that we can review for them and if their products or services are things we can confidently support and vouch for then they get free publicity for a month. This is for products that can be attributed to the body/health, for other things like books, music, events etc. that are positive they get free publicity on all our forms of media.
This is not an association but a movement for women to rise up, come together, empower one another, educate one another and be the best that we can be and also love GOD.
We will not require full names in the forum just first names for privacy.
Some of you might not see the need in doing this but to those of you that do, let's do this together and I know GOD will help us make it a wonderful rewarding experience.
I am excited about this because I get to talk with so many wonderful women from all over the world and you can too. This movement is for all races and no exceptions. All you need to be a part of this is to be a woman or young girl.

To become a member of ADIVA, send your NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, NATIONALITY, COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE and state which of the following age groups you belong to:
(16-20), (21-25), (26-30), (31-35), (36 and Above); as an email to adiva0478@gmail.com. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO FEE INVOLVED IN BECOMING A MEMBER.
God willing, women will begin to get the protection, respect, recognition and appreciation they deserve.
Welcome to our world, a place where every woman is A DIVA.
By Stella Damasus