Thursday, 27 October 2016


I met Stephanie (Melanie Crane) in a hotel lobby in Ghana. I was about to get into the elevator when she walked up to me, said she recognized me and loved my work. I was very humbled not only because it’s always amazing to know that what I do inspires others but also because I was a bit shocked that a beautiful young lady would bother herself to walk up to me to and tell me how much she admires my work.

We can all agree that there is a very wrong notion people have of beautiful, classy women which is that they are arrogant, stuck up or cocky. So unconsciously, that is exactly how I felt when she walked up to me and i admit that it was wrong of me to feel that way. And much to my surprise, she was very nice, very friendly, very humble and we ended up exchanging numbers.
Even after I left Ghana, we continued to talk over the phone and we became very close, almost like sisters. We were so comfortable sharing our emotions with each other as well as encouraging each other.  

Thursday, 6 October 2016


I watched an old movie called “AMISTAD” some days ago and even though I had seen the movie before, it all seemed fresh and very emotional to me. Honestly, I was not even sure if it was the kind of movie that should be shown at a time where it seems like slavery never left America.
Regardless of what was declared or what was agreed, slavery is still an essential part of the issues we are facing today. One might think that I am referring to physical slavery alone but the truth is that mental slavery is even more prevalent.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

My Heart Breaks For This Generation

I have come to realize that there is no more innocence in the world.

I know some people will read that line and roll their eyes saying "Here we go again", but for the sake of this generation, we have to keep saying it.

The vulgarity, violence and sex that our children are exposed to has become simply ridiculous. Have you tried watching a movie with your kids recently? Even the so called ‘family movies’ still have some sort of hidden sexual connotations, and this generation of kids are smarter than we think so don’t sit there thinking “they don’t know what that means”.
Now, don’t even get me started with ‘Kids TV stations and music’ these days! They have lost their innocence, all of a sudden its acceptable to show kids shows making out?

I found an old episode of my diaries (Stella Damasus Diaries) on YouTube and I have decided to share it with you because I am hoping that it will inspire someone to start filtering what their kids are exposed to and take them back to a time were music, movies and TV shows for kids were more innocent.

Stella Damasus Diaries - Episode 3 : "Flashback: Television, Music & Home Remedies"

Thursday, 11 August 2016


Sometimes in life we experience two extremes of different situations.

We do things with good intentions but those deeds produce bad outcomes.
We want to succeed but it doesn't go our way.
We think we are older and wiser but we make silly choices.
We feel that we have learnt enough but life throws curve balls at us.
We believe we know the people around us but we end up ticking them off. 

Thursday, 28 July 2016


I was looking through my YouTube channel at the beginning of  the week, just to see what changes I can make and how I can improve the content on my channel. Doing this once in a while really helps me know how far I have come and where I want to be. 

As I was scrolling through, I found one of my favorite episodes of STELLA DAMASUS DIARIES. This particular episode resonates with so many women especially wives who have similar stories.
There are a lot of women out there who are struggling with their decisions, identity, responsibilities and purpose. 

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Meet Simone Myrie (Author of Life of An Illegal Immigrant)

Simone (my Jamaican sister) as I like to call her, is a good friend and a woman I respect and hold in very high regard, not just because of her accomplishments but also because of all the humanitarian work she is doing.

She is the first BLACK IMMIGRANT to grace the cover of THE INDIE ARTISTS Magazine and is also about to receive a ton of awards in NEW YORK for all the amazing work that she does. 

Thursday, 14 July 2016


If someone walks up to you and asks you, "what is the meaning of the word WOMAN?", what will your immediate answer be?
It is easy to define the word Banker, Aunty, Girlfriend, Husband, Cup, but how easy is it to define WOMAN?

People have tried to describe her, label her, understand her, put her in a box, handle her, fix her, measure her, define her and some have even tried to recreate her?

As simple as the word WOMAN is, everyone has a different definition.

Thursday, 7 July 2016


I am one of those who have complained over the years about the lack of good, clean and high quality entertainment for our children. 
As shocking as it may seem I had to get my children off some "SO CALLED KIDS CARTOON AND ENTERTAINMENT CHANNELS". The violence that I see in some of these cartoons is gradually becoming more morbid than that on normal channels. 

Thursday, 30 June 2016


As absurd as this might sound, I have battled with my own insecurities.

Most people who know me may never believe this statement because of the way they have perceived my personality.
I appear to be very bold and confident, more outspoken than most people. What they didn't realize was that SPEAKING for me was my therapy from those INSECURITIES, just the way music helps to heal the hurting.

Thursday, 23 June 2016


Have you ever wondered why people EASILY misunderstand you no matter how hard you try to get it right or impress them?

If your answer is yes then you are lot like me and this article is for you. But if your answer is no, then please forward this article to anyone who fits the description. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Do you know that you can make money without leaving your home?

Some days ago, I made a statement that sparked up a lot of controversy among my readers. So, I decided to write this blog to clarify certain misconceptions. I said that it was important for every woman especially married women, to have another stream of income for her personal account.
When I wrote this, some women who were stay at home mums were really ticked off. As far as they were concerned I was judging them for their decision to stay at home. One of them sent an email saying "Stella, do you really think it was my choice to get a degree and then sit at home? Don't you realize that a lot of us have even more qualifications than our husbands but had to make the ultimate sacrifice of staying at home to raise the kids? Do you expect us to refuse our husbands when they ask us to stay home?"

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


A few days ago I was reminded that it was okay to be vulnerable and human. I seem to have forgotten how relaxing it can be to let it all out sometimes, not caring if I would be judged, laughed at or insulted.
I had to remember that it was important to share some experiences that may actually save or help someone who is probably going through the same thing.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


I listened to Daniel's show WURD UP on yesterday and he said some things that really hit home for me.

People are so used to saying the same things, responding the same way, appearing the same way, just so that they are politically correct or so we can keep up appearances.
Daniel was of the opinion that we should allow ourselves be vulnerable and real sometimes.
We are human so it's okay to hurt, it's okay to be sad, it's okay to feel helpless.
Sometimes, we should allow ourselves to breakdown and we are allowed to be honest too.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

20 Best Kept Secrets For Successful Leadership

After studying 10 of the most successful leaders in the world, I have found some helpful tools they all use that have worked and given them the success that we all strive to achieve. 

Leaders are born but we can also attest to the fact that leaders can be made. 
You could be a Manager, President, Business Owner, Father, Mother, Pastor, Principal, Teacher etc, as long as you lead people you will need certain strategies to help you.

Thursday, 19 May 2016


People have asked me over the years how I have handled the criticisms, trolls, negative comments, media bashing and crazy insults. I have put together 20 of the most effective methods that have helped me. I hope you find them useful.

Thursday, 12 May 2016


When you see some codes in your children's phones, iPads, laptops, etc, please don't ignore or wave them off because you don't understand them. They might just be ruining their lives right under your nose.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Some people might be put off by this title because it sounds impossible and unrealistic. I totally understand how it may come across but when I say ‘dreaming’ I am not referring to what goes on in your mind when you sleep. Rather, I am talking about those things you WISH for. The things you DESIRE. The things that you (or other people) regard as WISHFUL THINKING.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Not Ready For Freedom

I woke up this morning to a tweet from my sweet friend and sister Kate Henshaw. The Nigerian Senate had voted against the Gender & Equality Opportunity Bill. If you are reading this and you have no clue what what the bill is about, Google it and educate yourself before you continue this.

I was quick to respond to Kate, expressing my disgust at the action of the Senators elected into power, hoping they would make the right choices for the people who elected them to have a better nation.