Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Nothing Else Matters

I have tasted poverty and depression 
I have tasted fame and money 
I know what it is to be on everyone's lips filled with praises 
I know what it is to do it all on my own 
I know what it is to depend on others
I know how it feels to be happy and laugh everyday
I know how it feels to be sad and cry every night
I know what it is to be drunk every weekend

I know what it is to be sober everyday
I know what it is to confide in friends
I know what it is to bottle it up inside
I know how it feels to be surrounded by people
I know how it feels to be alone
I know how it feels to be busy everyday
I know how it feels to be idle everyday 
I know how it feels to be confused and tired
I know how it feels to be motivated and active
I know how it feels to be single and lonely 
I know how it feels to be angry with the world
I know how it feels to blame myself
I know how it feels to be the victim 
I know how it feels to be the VICTOR

Through it all I know that I want my story to end with “I know what it is and how it feels to know God, love God, obey God, enjoy God and make heaven”

Nothing else matters to me if it is not leading me to the path to HEAVEN 



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