Wednesday, 1 June 2016


I listened to Daniel's show WURD UP on yesterday and he said some things that really hit home for me.

People are so used to saying the same things, responding the same way, appearing the same way, just so that they are politically correct or so we can keep up appearances.
Daniel was of the opinion that we should allow ourselves be vulnerable and real sometimes.
We are human so it's okay to hurt, it's okay to be sad, it's okay to feel helpless.
Sometimes, we should allow ourselves to breakdown and we are allowed to be honest too.

I am born again without any apologies but I have to remind myself now that my relationship with God should not be about religion and principles but about honesty and love. I don't always have to respond with phrases like " I am fine in Jesus name, or I am RICH IN JESUS NAME, or IT IS WELL, or I AM BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED, even when we are dying and someone genuinely cares enough to offer help.

When someone asks me how are you? Sometimes I can say "I am fine thank you and you?" The truth is, half the time that we respond like that,  we are at a point in our lives when we are really not fine. In fact we don't even want to know how you feel, so saying "and you?" Is just courtesy which we all learn growing up. But we can never say this out loud because it will be perceived as being selfish and rude.

It's the first day of JUNE and everyone feels the need or even burden to post something smart and inspirational by saying HAPPY NEW MONTH, MAY THIS MONTH BRING YOU BLAH BLAH BLAH, IT IS HALF OF THE YEAR AND I KNOW THAT GOD IS ABOUT TO TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND AND BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I Used to be one of those people and if you follow my blogs regularly or social media you can attest to that. But I have decided to change and become someone who will not hold back regardless. If there are things going on with me that I don't want to share, then I would rather be silent and not post things I feel people want to hear.
No! I want to post what I want to say and whoever likes the honesty can stay and talk about how they feel too. But if my honesty is too heavy for you then I am sorry but you probably won't enjoy this ME.

So, it's JUNE and we have just entered the month. It's good to be positive and wish you a happy month, but I don't know why I have to keep wishing you a happy month every month.
This morning I didn't feel like it was necessary to say anything other than, time is going. The year is already half spent and I will not deceive you into thinking everything has gone the way I hoped it would. We make new year plans and decisions and set goals for ourselves. Some of us are lucky to achieve 50% while the rest of us are struggling to get 20%. June for me is a reminder and wake up call that time is going fast.

I have to step up my game because the world is not slowing down.
I have to step up my time and relationship with God because the end is here.
I have to do all the things that I have planned and not worry about people's thoughts and opinions.
I have to start with what I have and stop waiting for that big start up money.
I have to keep my head up and not give up even in the face of adversity.
I have to spend more time with my family and tell them how much I love them.
I have to love myself more and do the things that make me happy.
I have to take care of who and what's more important to me.
I have to cut off certain toxic friendships that will only lead me to sin and hurt.
I have to learn to identify my level of relationship with every person I come in contact with.

So forgive me if I am not so giddy and excited today.
Reflecting on life itself and where we are headed, successfully took over my morning as it does every first day of June.

If I am allowed to be honest, instead of HAPPY NEW MONTH, permit me to say "IT IS THE MONTH OF JUNE, ITS TIME TO STEP UP YOUR GAME"


  1. Absolutely Beautiful! Great post Stella. I really loved it.

  2. Hmm... anty stella I just had to read this post. Cos it's as if you were in my mind earlier today. I even refused to reply those that sent well wishes. I'm burdened. No rship, no job. Was hoping I will get a serious fellow early this year and by november Dec tie d note. But up until now no show yet. Feel really depressed and sad. Mtcheew tired of everything.

  3. This is what I am talking about... The moment we realise where we are and how we feel, the sooner we can find genuine encouragement and direction. The raw honesty speaks volumes.

  4. Very true. Nice write up. Very candid.

  5. Very true. Nice write up. Very candid.


  6. "If there are things going on with me that I don't want to share, then I would rather be silent and not post things I feel people want to hear." I hear that!

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with honesty! And I truly am looking forward to the day when I will ask someone how are you and they will say the truth and not just fine thanks when they are really not fine. Likewise I'm looking forward to the day when someone will ask me how I am doing, and they are genuinely asking and not just being polite. I'm looking forward to the day when someone can respond with actually I feel like crap, got a minute to talk, because that's how they really feel and it won't be consider strange and they won't be considered a "negative person".

    There was a point I use to ask people just for my own amusement when they ask how are you... I'd ask do you want the truth or do you want the usual answer? I'm sure they must have found me weird.

    I use to advocate let's keep it real people particularly in church, call me naive at the time, but I found when I threw myself out there... some others willing to take the risk also followed and those moments when we all shared honestly, that was when we were the most a blessing and of comfort to one another.

  7. Aptly put. Very true. Say it as it is. Besides half of the people who send me these messages haven't even spoken or texted me prior to it being a new month. Thanks for this.

  8. Aptly put. Very true. Say it as it is. Besides half of the people who send me these messages haven't even spoken or texted me prior to it being a new month. Thanks for this.

  9. Hmmm, what can I say. I have been through such relationships so I know exactly what you are talking about. You are made to feel like nothing, you lose your self confidence, you lose the respect of others, they laugh at you behind your back & the few that care try to talk you out of the relationship but because you think you are in love, you don't see what they see even when the signs are boldly written on the wall for you to see. May God help us all. Thank you SD for this thought provoking piece. God bless you.

  10. Am happy you brought up this issue because sometimes I don't get it myself😂. I look @every month and I remind myself that am getting old @40+, my kidz are growing etc I ask myself questions like lord I mine there yet?? And I answer myself *no have not,essy oya the hustle continues ooh* God help us all.

  11. Am happy you brought up this issue because sometimes I don't get it myself😂. I look @every month and I remind myself that am getting old @40+, my kidz are growing etc I ask myself questions like lord I mine there yet?? And I answer myself *no have not,essy oya the hustle continues ooh* God help us all.

  12. Am a June born and I sincerely share the same feeling about this month being a "reminder"

  13. Am a June born and I sincerely share the same feeling about this month being a "reminder"
